Promotional Campaign Planning for Sound Expressions DJ Entertainment is in Full Swing

The following Pecha Kucha presentation provides a six-minute snapshot of the Public Relations campaign for Sound Expressions DJ Entertainment.

Sound Expressions DJ Entertainment (SEDJ) has partnered with in the creation of a comprehensive one-year Public Relations campaign on behalf of SEDJ. The campaign began on June 1, 2015 and will be completed on May 31, 2016. This capstone project was developed as a core component of Mr. Nabors pursuit of a Masters degree in Public Relations from Full Sail University. Mr. Nabors will complete the program on June 26, 2015.

The aforementioned presentation discusses the following topics: company introduction, mission and value statements, target audience, buyer persona, research, publics and stakeholders, goals and objectives, strategies, tactics, timeline, budget, and measurement and evaluation.

For more information about the details of the campaign, please visit the SEDJ Public Relations Project website.